-=::CULT of the BACONEATER::=-
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1.  Eat BACON.

2.  Bring forth into the COTBE new members.

3.  Feel no guilt, ye who commits acts of any kind in the name of BACON!

She's a REAL trooper!

Cult of the BACONEATER history

Long ago, in the forums of the 2005 boards, there came a member known as...optimus_bacon.  optimus_bacon came to 2005 to learn of the wonders of the Transformers.  Soon, he came to realize the wonders of BACON.  His obsession consumed him, and began to take on an idendtity of It's own. 
One great day, optimus_bacon realised that he was, in fact, the LORD OF BACON!  As the LORD OF BACON, he devised the ultimate plan...to create the CULT OF THE BACONEATER!!!
Thus COTBE is the premier BACON cult, led by the original pork product in disguise...

Cult Hierarchy:

optimus_bacon (2005): Lord of Bacon, the great BACONMASTER

dark_convoy (2005): Lt. BACONMASTER

scavenger (2005): Baconian Minister of Information

sparklepuff: (2005): Mistress to the Lord of Bacon

damij (::scene:: tennessee) Cult Dark Master of Lights and Illusions, Ruler of the Baconian Netherworld

Mr. Monkey (cat that thinks he is a monkey, please don't tell him otherwise!): Familiar to the Baconmaster, Official Cult Reverend, registered with the Universal Life Church.

jonah (::scene:: tennessee) Baconian Wardrummer, roomate to the Baconmaster

NEVER feed BACON to the elderly!
It makes 'em crazy!

Fun BACON fact:
BACON is an effective contraceptive when used in conjuction with anal sex.